Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Bruce Clay, Internet Marketing Guru and Founder of Bruce Clay Inc.

Bruce Clay, Internet Marketing Guru and Founder of Bruce Clay Inc. Talks to Virat Bahri of B&E on search engine OPTIMISATION (SEO) – and on how is it like working with Lindsay Lohan and CNN at the same time

B&E: What is the potential that you see in India, and how are you going about with your internet expansion?

Bruce Clay:
Four years ago, I opened an office in Australia. I have an office in Tokyo, Milan, Delhi, and I am working to have more. When I came to Delhi, there was more of a mission of entering a market that was technologically advanced but very large. I am going to open in Brazil shortly and likewise, it is a very very large market; and ultimately, open in China. Personally, I feel India is far bigger than China from the standpoint of computer usage. Around 95% of all computers in China are within 80 miles of the coast. In the inland part of China, they don’t use computers. The other interesting part is that in China, and I have had people say this to me, why would I use software/tools when I can just hire people for a penny? Why do I need a computer? I will just get 20 people add it up for me. It may work for them, but this orientation will depress China in the long term. It means they aren’t going to embrace computers. On a per capita basis, India is phenomenally technology rich compared to other emerging markets. While India is massive for what I do, China isn’t.

B&E: Tell us about your approach to your accounts, particularly CNN.

Bruce Clay:
At CNN, we moved from number 3 to number 1 for news. That generated 50 million page views for that term each month. A by-product was that individual journalists found their articles performing better, which help them become stars, just like actors or some of the more visible careers in entertainment space. That changes not just the traffic for the company but also changes the stature of individuals that work for that company, particularly in the journalistic world. We assess the site first – find out what is broken. We target your key words and figure out who your users are. We figure out what kind of words they might use to search for you and make sure you have content that matches them. Then we improve overall content and change the way your pages/navigation are connected together through links, so that the users can find more pages on topics. We establish themes. So if the theme was coffee cups, we would have all the coffee cup related information together. And by aligning parts of your website with coffee cups, when someone searches for coffee cup, your website goes up in the rankings. This is a process. It can take a year, 2 years or even as less as 2 months.

B&E: Another interesting instance is reputation management. How can you absorb the impact of negative results, as you did in the case of Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan?

Bruce Clay:
We have a combination of software, monitoring and awareness tools called web optimisers. We back that up with SEO. Sometimes, the best attack is to write content using the negative words, If the negative words were Lindsay Lohan and drug addict, you can write an article which says ‘Lindsay Lohan speaks out about drug addicts’. Reputation is not easy. There are people whose mission in life is to hurt people. It’s a shame. Most of the time, from the SEO point of view, we know how to just outposition them so that they show on page 2 or at the bottom of page 1. We can do video for instance. When you look at Google search results, videos often come at position 3 and 4. We can take your picture and optimise it in images. Many times you can put the images on the top or middle and push the negative results to the bottom. As an SEO we can do that, an average businessman cannot.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.
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