It was from the pulpit of an award ceremony that a down and out ex-superstar had asked Yash Chopra for a “job”. Millions saw it on their TV sets. The humiliation of India’s biggest superstar of yesteryears was complete. Luckily, Chopra offered him Mohabbatein and it clicked for him. The rise and fall of Amitabh is a story in itself. In the 90s, when the tastes of Indian audiences changed and he kept on playing a stereotypical hero, something went amiss. A series of flops and the debacle of his production company ABCL brought him to penury. His growing distance from 10 Janpath also affected him. And then came Kaun Banega Crorepati that was marked as his comeback. However, he is often criticised for his proximity to Amar Singh, but Amitabh knows how to handle the relationship with the man who helped him out of the crisis.
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Resurgence of Big B
It was from the pulpit of an award ceremony that a down and out ex-superstar had asked Yash Chopra for a “job”. Millions saw it on their TV sets. The humiliation of India’s biggest superstar of yesteryears was complete. Luckily, Chopra offered him Mohabbatein and it clicked for him. The rise and fall of Amitabh is a story in itself. In the 90s, when the tastes of Indian audiences changed and he kept on playing a stereotypical hero, something went amiss. A series of flops and the debacle of his production company ABCL brought him to penury. His growing distance from 10 Janpath also affected him. And then came Kaun Banega Crorepati that was marked as his comeback. However, he is often criticised for his proximity to Amar Singh, but Amitabh knows how to handle the relationship with the man who helped him out of the crisis.