The Strait of Malacca, with a daily traffic of around 600 ships, reports hijacking, killing and ransacking almost everyday. In fact, 325 robberies with 30 casualties were reported in 2004 with a global economic loss of $25 billion. The concerns for security get emboldened by the fact that a number of terrorist groups, including LTTE & Al-Qaeda, which procure their arsenal from high seas, are suspected to be part of such gangs. High international co-operation for securing the sea-lanes is thus urgently needed.
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Source:- IIPM-Business and Economy, Author:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri - 2006
For Complete IIPM - Article, Click on IIPM-Editorial Link
Source:- IIPM-Business and Economy, Author:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri - 2006