
Defense report noted that China’s defense expenditures appear to be much higher than acknowledged by the Chinese government. Coupled with a notable lack of transparency, this understandably concerns China’s neighbors. In addition to the choices that these and other countries make, America’s own choices will be an important factor in determining what kind of future it faces. From time to time, US public sentiment has opposed playing an active role in the world, and fulfilling our commitments to allies and, indeed, to the cause of freedom. In the early 1970s, as US ambassador to NATO, I remember having to fly back from Europe to testify against legislation in our Congress that would have pulled US troops out of Western Europe and NATO, just as the Soviet Union was in the midst of a huge military buildup.
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Source IIPM-Editorial,2006
For Complete IIPM-Article, Click on IIPM-Editorial Link
Source IIPM-Editorial,2006